Olivia Nagy


"Every amazing person I work with leaves me with something and it gives me the chance to improve while improving someone else. "


During my Pilates method I enjoy to use the mind-body connection which can achieve physical and mental balance and I like to finish my classes with a few minutes relaxation and breathing when we concentrate for ourself. All my clients enjoy this and after the exersises, they feel that they are calm and their whole body has been moved.

Pilates was originally called “Contrology, because the control is important in both the mind and body during the exercises. Focuses on precise movements, breath control and concentration to develop strength and flexibility. Instead of a sweaty and fatigued effort, the exercise becomes focused and safe. You will improve your strength, flexibility, alignment, balance, posture and body awareness contribute to a healthier mindset. You will feel yourself stronger but in harmony.

Om Olivia Nagy

I’m Olivia, and my business is called “ON-Pilates".

I was a project manager and I handled many projects in one time until I started to feel, that I lost myself and because of my high stress level my psoriasis symptoms were also worse. I rushed to spend time with friends and family in my free time and then I found myself back at work. I felt like I never had time for myself. My knees hurt from 20 years of dancing, but I missed the joy of movement. Then I remembered that in addition to dancing we sometimes did Pilates to rehabilitate our sore body parts. So I started to do Pilates and it was my best idea, because it helped me a lot in both my mind and body. Later I was able to change more things in my life and I become a certified Pilates instructor. Now I feel that I found my tools which helps to keep my health and enjoy my life.

Pilates does what it says, if you give it the time and dedication. Pilates will improve your posture, will make your whole body stronger. Pilates will make you more mobile and give you greater range of movement. Pilates will improve your flexibility by loosening areas of tightness. Pilates breathing will help reduce stress and anxiety. And plus one: you can exercise anywhere, also in your office. What else should Pilates offer?

I hope to see you and we can develop together.






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