Lee Skinner

Personal Trainer | Fitness Coach

"Level Up and Become the best Version of YOU!"


I get a lot of satisfaction with helping busy professionals get back into shape and feel great about their bodies again. I help them turn back time and feel 10, 20 years younger and fitter. I am a firm believer and walking proof that muscle is life and when we are not strong with healthy active muscle our body and energy is negatively effected, leading to sickness, fatigue, weight gain and disease.

I enjoy teaching my clients how to exercise effectively to maximise their results whilst increasing a steady level of energy and enjoying life to their fullest even whilst living a hectic busy family lifestyle and career. Many busy professionals often put their health last on their to do list due to work load pressures, families and stress.

This is where I step in and help coach, guide and support my clients to maintain a healthy sustainable relationship with their food, training program, sleep, mindset and lifestyle habits.

Om Lee Skinner

I have been a personal trainer and fitness coach for over 20 years. Originally from London where I worked with bankers, executives, Traders, CEOS, lawyers helping them to live a healthy life and avoid burnout.

I moved to Spain, Marbella in 2003 and set up my own Mobile PT business visiting high end clientel such as the prince of Saudi and other very wealthy clients.

In 2010 I moved here to Sweden once again starting up a new PT business Lee Skinner Fitness AB and have been running a succesful business and specialising in helping consultants, lawyers, doctors, high performing professionals get strong and healthy and keep their health a priority in their busy lives.

Over the last 6 years I have also created an Online Program where I help people from a distance if they are not here in Stockholm and wish to work with me and have me coach them with their nutrition, lifestyle and exercise programs.


Weight loss & Fat Loss

Strength & Mobility

Body Confidence



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